Devil And Mr O – Rocket From Manhattan. 720211. (retro355).

A rocket returns from it’s mission to the moon, and is only 24 hours from a safe landing. As the crew members of various ages discuss space travel technology, and their life philosophy, minor emergencies are handily evaded. The ship’s doctor shares his pessimistic world view, and expectations that men can’t handle the responsibility of nuclear technology. That’s just crazy talk! Men have just walked on the mooon, there shouldn’t be any crisis we can’t handle.

The hours tick by, and the distance for radio contact draws closer. The surface of the Earth is becoming more visible. What are those flashing lights down below? Curious. The horrible truth begins to sink in when radio contact is finally made, and word of a new war reaches our space travellers. When the radio signal suddenly stops, the future looks grim. What should the astronauts do? Stay in space and use up their meager life support? Or land in the now radioactive atmosphere? How could such a disaster happen? The doc shares his idea on the matter.

Bonus Track:
Hank and Dave. My Dead Dog Rover.