Wild Bill Hickock – Wyatt Fosters Secret. ep37, 1951.

As Bill and Jingles are in town to stock up on provisions, they get word that an old friend, Wyatt Foster, needs help. Has our heros arrived too late? Word comes that Wyatt is already shot dead.

Take a break for those crunchy treats with the sweetening already on them, and they’re always ten times fresher in that pure aluminum bag.

There’s something fishy going on, and Bill has to face down a gang of tough guys. Tom Foster shares all he knows about his dads wealth, and the situation. Back in town, Bill, Jingles and the sheriff go over the facts and try to figure who is behind the wierd chain of events. Will they be walking into a trap? Gunplay and fist fights break out, but has Bill met his match?

Time to stop for a refill on more of those crunchy hearts of corn. Eat them right out of the box, or in a bowl with milk, either way stock up so you have plenty.

Facing down 15 guns, Bill has his hands tied. Even the feisty Jingles has to go along and be tied up in the old mill. Why don’t the bad guys just kill our heros and be done with them? There’s still a few plot twists left in this story as Bill escapes, but will this just be another trap? Listen in and learn what did happen with Wyatt Fostor’s fortunes.