Lum and Abner – Lum Wants Abner To Go To England With Him. 380627.

Postum, enjoy the mellow and distinctive fragrance as you drink a hot cup or make it as a bowl of cereal.

As we look in at the little community of Pine Ridge we find Lum still getting ready for his trip to England. At Abners, Lum lounges in his bathrobe so he won’t run out of clean clothes. He talks with Abner about getting his passport and photo for it. Can Lum convince Abner to go with him?

Squire offered to buy Abner out of his part of the store, but Abner doesn’t have the same reason behind going as Lum. He’s not inheriting anything, and has no ties to england. Lum even offers to clear it with Lizabeth, but will she let Abner take the trip? He makes a pretty good argument for the cause. well, what did she decide?

Postum, make suppertime a picnictime and serve everyone tall frosty glasses of Postum. Drink all you want without the worry of too much caffeine, or a sleepless night.