Lum and Abner – Lum Is Starving But Squire Wont Sell Him Anything. 380624.

Postum, it’s no fun to toss and turn in bed. Try Postum for a relaxing nights sleep.

Lum plans to sail to England on July 3rd to claim an inheritance, and make a bicycle tour of Europe. Today in the Jot ‘Em Down Store Lum talks with Squire, the new half owner, trying to get some credit. Lum spent all his money on his trip, and has nothing left over for food. Squire won’t budge, and refuses him anything, not even a cracker.

When Abner arrives, Squire leaves strict word not to let Lum have anything without paying for it. Lum gets Abner confused when he mentions that grandpap’s hands are tied, and can’t let him offer credit while tending Dick Huddleston’s store.

After the hunger weakened Lum leaves, Cedric and Abner talk about his humble state, and Abner plans to lay out a feast for him until he leaves.

Postum, It’s just the thing to enjoy on a hot Summer night, drink a tall, iced glass full.