Vic and Sade – Deep Currents Of School Life. 400227.

Wellsir, it’s a quiet evening at home as the three family members relax at home. As Vic is involved in a rouseing game of solitaire, Sade and rush discuss the hotbed of High School life, wheels within wheels, a seething river of human emotions.

Sade wonders why Rush never tells them about the happenings at school, which gives Rush the opening to complain about how he is normally ignored and brushed off when he tries to join a conversation. With the scandal involving Mr Chinbunny and others, Rush gets his chance to gossip freely.

Learn about the mystery of the missing butter patties. Victims of abusive spouces. Fires in the physics lab. Changes to the grading system. And more secret stories of seething emotions in that hotbed of politics.