I Love a Mystery – Million Dollar Curse. ep2, 491213.

Jack continues to tell the weeping woman, Sonny Richards, why he wants to help her. The yung and beautiful woman seems to have everything to live for, but she’s upset over a family curse.

Sonny tells Tex and Jack all the details of the curse, and why she wants to kill herself. Women of alternating generations have those who are closest to them mysteriously die. Her litany of endless deaths and injuries are convincing, but Jack insists it’s all an over active guilt complex. Jack bargains with her to hold off killing herself for two weeks, and give him and his friends the chance to prove her curse is nothing. Jack is convinced, but I think Tex has his doubts.

A man claiming to be Sonny’s attorney wants to bring her back home, but the newly self proclaimed bodyguards take their stand against him.