Lum and Abner – Showing Lum The Benefits Of Married Life. 380411.

Postum, you’ll soon forget coffee as you enjoy the rich mellow flavor of Postum.

Down in Pine Ridge, the Lonesome Hearts matrimoniall bureau has gotten off to a grand start. Grandpap talks with Abner about having a new family portrait taken, and it comes out about Lum becoming his own client and sending out his own picture to the women.

As Abner, Dick and Grandpap sit around relaxing and talking about the merits of sassafrass tea, Grandpap tells how he’s starting a photographer shop. Will he get some business sent his way from the bureau? The guys try to convince Lum that he’s doing the right thing in looking for a wife and trying to settle down.

Cedric joins the group. He has news that Dick’s wife is raising a fuss. As Grandpap and Abner brag they won’t let their women walk on them that way, Cedric talks about his gal Clarabelle. Lum tells about another prospect from the bureau. The phone rings, and it’s grandpap’s woman to henpeck him and he rushes off to take care of domestic chores.

Abner holds his ground that he wouldn’t let Lizabeth walk on him that way. Can you guess who phones in next? Lizabeth gives him a hard time and Abner has Lum making a change of heart has he rushes to the mail box to stop a letter he just dropped in.

Postum, Lou Crosby tells about the irresistable way to get kids to drink all their milk. Just mix it with Postum. Hot or cold, it’s good for the whole family.
