Lum and Abner – Reopening The Pine Ridge Matrimonial Bureau. 380404.

Postum, helps with the irritability or jumpiness that is caued from the excess caffeine in coffee. Easy to make, and economical.

In Pine Ridge, Lum and Abner are sorely in need of funds to keep the Jot ‘Em Down Store in business. Lum is out collecting on outstanding bills, and Abner talks with Dick Huddleston about business. Dick advises they focus on the store, and cut out offering credit. Both Lum and Abner know it, but can they keep the discipline to practice it?

Lum returns with his day’s collections, and Dick departs. Abner’s all for restocking the store, but Lum is already dreaming of a new business to invest in. Maybe a sweepstakes ticket? The conversation meanders to a local resident who just got married, and it’s the thing to inspire Lum to start his own matrimonial agency. No money to start, and all a person has to do is help people match up with each other.

Will it work? Just do a Google search for dating sites, and you’ll know there is, was, and ever will be a need to serve with a match making business. Somehow, I’ll bet this venture will end up with some comic turns of events though.

Postum, add it to milk to get the kids to drink their daily allowance and with Postum, they can drink all they want.