Lum and Abner – Cedric Sells Chances On A Punchboard. 380328.

Postum letter, a woman tells how she used to drink coffee to keep her alert, but the jitteriness caused her to switched to Postum, and with no ill effect.

After the big let down of last week over learning the dinosaur bones was nothing but a mule carcass, Lum and Abner are back in the Jot ‘Em Down store. Grandpap and Abner play a rousing game of checkers, and Lum catches them red handed in the feed room.

Lum is upset over how the place is being run. Abner tries to justify his lazy behavior, but Lum isn’t letting him off the hook, and even give grandpap a piece of his mind.

Once Abner is chased off to do his duty, Lum has a private conference with grandpap, but he only gets caught by Abner trying to get his own game of checkers started.

Cedric enters with a punchboard, something that’s against the law. Acting as their civic roles as Justice of the Peace and Constable, respectively, Lum and Abnre, along with grandpap demand who is behind the crime ring. Cedric explains that it’s for a charity cause. It’s a nickel a chance, and if the whole board is punched, it’ll bring in $20 to help the widow Abernathy.

The three gents buy a chance apiece, and each win the three prizes. Now Cedric is in a bind, he can’t sell the rest of the punches with no prizes in them , and without the other punches, he can’t make good on the prizes that were just won. Seeing that they just lost out, Lum and Abner put together a box of groceries to donate to the cause instead. At least you know their heart is in the right place.