Great Gildersleeve – In The Doghouse With Irene. 540113.

After some recent blunders with Gildy’s gal, Irene, she hints that he needs to watch his step, or she ay be in the market for a better boyfriend. To keep on her good side, Gildersleeve goes to Peavey’s to pick up a gift. It seems that Peavey is having some lady trouble of his own with his wife.

Later, Leroy tries to poke his nose into the personal relationship woes of his uncle. Will Gildy be late or his big date, and lose the heart of Irene? He gets all spiffed up, but first runs an errand for Peavey, only to get trapped in the coal bin.

Nobody knew about the special favor, so when the phone lines start buzzing over his being late with Irene, confusion and frustration break out. Won’t anybody miss him, or worry about his absence? Will Irene let him out of the doghouse when she hears his explanation?