Wild Bill Hickock – White Fury. ep25, 1951.

Bill takes the time to help a rancher break a bronco. Dan shares some of his troubles when a particular stallion, White Fury, is known as a killer. His buyers are afraid to buy from Dan over a fear that the killer has been breeding with the rest of the horse herd. Can Bill and Jingles prove otherwise? Bill locates the wild stallion, and tries to capture him, when suddenly he discovers that a man has been trampled. Was it really White Fury who did it?

Say it ain’t so! Pardon me while I get busy pumping up my sugar rush so I can deal with the trauma. Just reach in and grab out all you want, but don’t add any sugar, because the sweetning’s already on them. Hey, I wonder how these dudes would taste with a little Red Bull…

Back to the story. It’s looking bad for rancher Dan. but Instead of going with him to town in defeat, Bil and Jingles head to the trail to look for clues. Bill smells a rat when it comes to the recent murder. Jingles worries when Bill tries to ride White Fury, but Bill is able to break the wild bronc. What does this all mean? Bill explains it all to Jingles as they ride, but the listener is left in the dark.

In town, Bill confronts Mr Crowder about some of the clues that he has just found. Is the banker up to no good, and why would he have anything to hide? The plot takes some interesting twists when a cave full of gold is found, and what appears to be a strange kind of weapon. Just the kind of weapon that would leave marks like a horses hooves, and make a person appear to be trampled, if you know what I mean.

There’s a shootout, and Bill’s hit! Now I really need a refill on a full box of that sugary goodness. Hold on while I cram my head full of those crunchy nuggets. Sorry I can’t say that special saying, it’s not polite to talk with my cheeks puffed full of tasty treats, it’s hard enough to type. Hey, look at me, I can pick up my keyboard with just the tip of my little finger. That sugary stuff is like magic.

Bill is down, but not out. He tries to show the town that White Fury is far from the monsterous beast that everybody thought. What does he have in mind to prove his point? Bill lays out his clues and drags the skeletons from the closet to expose the killer behind the whole mess.

At the end, it gets as close as it comes for Bill and Jingles to mushy stuff, but it’s just Jingles talking about food to the cute little rancher’s daughter. Whew, I thought there was going to be a Cisco moment for a minute there.