Secrets Of Scotland Yard – Jean Pierre Vaquier, The Dapper Frenchman

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

Audio is a bit mushy, but all the shows from this series seem to be less than clear. The drama is set up as we are told of Jean Piere, the dapper Frenchman who has come on to the rich married woman. The Frenchman has moved in on the hospitality of his wealthy guests, and has charmed them into not only freeloading on their generosity, but getting large loans of money from them.

With their charming house guest rapidly becoming an annoying burden, what’s a family to do? Annoyance turns to murder when the husband, Albert Jones is found poisoned. Was it Mrs Jone who may have been infatuated enough to want to run offf with the Frenchman? Was it the Frenchman, who just wanted to steal away the whole estate? Could it be someone else? Listen in to the drama, interspersed with voice over to get all the clues and personality of the players.

The police have their investigative footwork cut out for them, as they leave no stone unturned. With some added forensics help the killer is pinpointed. Lies are exposed in the courtroom drama, and the jury won’t take long to figure this one out.