Lum and Abner – Cedric Finds A Strange Bone In The Oil Well. 380318.

Postum, helps you get a good nights sleep, since there is no caffeine in it, and it’s made of whole wheat bran.

Lum and Abner are convinced that a dinosaur bone has been unearthed on Abners property, and they do more excavation to uncover even more bones. Lum has a book about dinosaurs, and looks at the pictures with Abner. Abner is amazed at the dinosaurs, and that they had cameras way back then.

Abner reminds Lum of his swearing off wild schemes to earn money, and to stick to the grocery store. Still, with a big opportunity like this, Lum wants to pursue it, but keep it a secret if they can. It might not be so easy to keep the secret from Lizabeth though.

Lum tries to tell Abner that prehistoric Pine Ridge was once covered by oceans, but Abner isn’t going for that , or Lums explanation of how dinosaur bones came to be buried there. At the advice of Evelina, Lum calls the university to see what the bones are worth, and how to cash in on them. The professor isn’t in, but will call back. Cedric comes in and using the secret signs, he gives the high sign, but before he can give his report the professor phones back. He’ll be in town next week to examine their potentialy valuable find.

Postum drama, two women fret over what to give a child who won’t fall asleep. Use Postum of course, it’s easy to digest and good for kids.