Boston Blackie – Pudgy And The Stolen Tire Racket. ep229, 490601

A security guard dressed in a dark uniform is reaching for his sidearm, which is holstered on his right hip. He stands in front of a brick wall, with his left hand resting on his belt. His facial expression suggests a state of high alertness and readiness to act in case of any threat or danger.
Security Guard Drawing his Weapon --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis "Used with permission from Microsoft."

Blackie and Mary are hot on the heals of a thief when their car breaks down. Dropping Mary off at a gas station, Blackie commandeers a motorcycle,only to crash it as soon as he hits the street. Mary and Farraday visit him in the hospital. After the jokes and friendly harrassment, The scene moves to Pudgie, who is bragging to the mob boss about how he got away from Blackie. Not that it will do him any good when mob boss, Cyclone guns him down. Can Blackie still break up the racket from his hospital bed?

Cyclone and his gal plan to dispose of Pudgie’s body, while Blackie has broken himself out of the hospital, and hijacks one of the mobs trucks. Since the gang doesn’t know Blackie, he tries to slip into the operation to get to the bottom of the stolen tire racket. His simple plan may not work out so well though.

Blackie is caught and Cyclone has some fun with Blackie tied to a chair. Things are looking bad, so Mary takes Farraday and races back to try and find Blackie. The case gets serious when Mary learns over the police radio . that Pudgie was found dead. Blackie is left alone wit Cyclone’s gal, who feels the need to prove that she is as good as any man. She takes him by herself to try and make him to the big mob boss.

Suddenly when a motorcycle cop is spotted, the gal gets nervous and crashes her car. Blackie has learned all the plot twists and tells Farraday all he needs to know about catching the killer of Pudgie, and in breaking up the car and tire theft ring.