Our Miss Brooks – Mister Boynton’s Parents. ep40, 490508.

A few candid words are shared by Connie as she wonders over Mr Conklin’s knack for causing grief for the faculty and students. In school, he puts her on the spot with a pop English quiz, and asks a favor. Connie is to hide a package for him that’s intended for Mother’s Day and he wants it to remain a secret from his snooping wife and daughter.

Walter bounces in as Conklin leaves. He is seeking advice from Connie about a Mother’s Day gift. He seems to have ulterior motives when he wants to know, “If Miss Brooks was a young mother, what would make her happy?” A young father like Mr Boynton, of course.

Later, Mr Boynton actually does have a request of Connie, he wants her to meet his parents. Connie learns some secrets about the Boynton family, and that she has been mentioned to his parents in letters home. Connie agrees to have the Boynton parents over to stay at her apartment with Mrs Davis.

Connie gets cleaned up, but makes herself comfortable in a robe and curlers as she and Mrs Davis clean up the place. Mrs Davis wants to make a good first impression, but her absent mindedness isn’t very encouraging to Miss Brooks. Mrs Davis reports that Minirva the cat is missing again after a big kitty cat date.

Guess who comes early, while Connie is in her state of undress? Despite the less than ideal impressions, Mrs Boynton is pleasant and understanding. Frank Nelson makes the same mistake as his wife and thinks that with Connie’s rumpled look that she’s Mrs Davis. Dad is quite the kidder, and everyone gets settled in. Privately the parents talk about Connie, and find the package that she’s hiding jfor Mr Conklin. Conclusions are jumped to and and reach new heights until Connie explains what he’s doing with the package.

The socializing is broken into when Walter and Harriot come over to give Miss Brooks the gift they got for her, based on her advice she gave Walter earlier. Walter then sings her a special song in honor of mother’s day.

Has all the mess ups through the evening hurt Miss Brooks chances with her bashful biologist? In epilog Boynton shares some tender words for her. Is there even a goodnight kiss waiting for the love starved Miss Brooks?

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