Lum and Abner – Lum Writes A Script. 380302.

Postum, it helps get a good nights rest since it contains no caffeine. And it’s economical too.

Down in Pine Ridge, Lum is writing his own movie script. Abner talks with grandpap about some of Lum’s crazy ideas. The latest story is about making Lum into a war hero, riding a big white horse, and making himself look good. First, they need to get a movie camera. Grandpap advises that they ought to stick to the grocery business. I agree, but where’s the fun in that?

Dick Huddleston pops in to talk to Lum about playing things conservative, and steering clear of the picture business. Can the guys really compete with Hollywood? The cash they have on hand is a far cry from what it costs to make a movie. Dick heads out to see if he can locate Lum and talk him out of the new business idea.

Abner takes a phone call, it seems that a white horse may be forthcoming for Lum. Just then Lum arrives with Cedric. Cedric has just been hired as Lums personal secretary, and Lum seems to have all his plans in order, all except for a film camera. When Lum hears that Dick is trying to talk him out of things, he is even more determined to make himself into a big time producer.

Postum drama: A little girl refuses to drink her milk. What’s a mom to do? Mix it with Postum, of course. It just might be the trick to make her go for it. Lou Crosby signs off with a few words.