Jack Benny – Easter Stroll. 550410.

Jack is at home, getting ready for the big Easter Parade. Rochester comments on the preparations as Jack finishes getting dressed. Jack is looking fit and trim, and steps on his scale to prove it.

Mary stops in as Jack decides on his white suit, and she flubs her line. Rochester makes a phone call as Jack and Mary head out. They come across one of the boys from the Beaver club. Jack and Mary sing the Happy Easter song from the famous Fred Astaire and Judy Garland film.

Cut to Bob Crosby with his wife on the opposite side of the street. They pretend like they don’t see Jack, but Jack tracks them down. The Happy Easter song reprises with Bob and his wife joining in.
Next, Jack runs into Professor LeBlanc, and the song reprises as they continue down the street.

After a brief encounter with Don, Jack ducks into a drugstore where Arthur Q Bryan is the helpfuyl clerk. Jack and Mary keep singing and walking until they meet Mr Kitzel who is wearing his suit he got married in.

Jack sees a photographer, Frank Nelson, and has his picture taken. The walk continues, until Jack runs into Sidney Sheldon, the tout, but it’s his day off so he doesn’t try to offer any advice. Their singing and walk takes them to Dennis. Dennis sings, but it’s snipped out. Back home, Jack tells Rochester about his day.