Lum and Abner -Squire Wants A Third Interest In The Store. 350814.

Lum and Abner – Squire Wants A Third Interest In The Store. 350814. Horlicks: The opening commercial is snipped, and extended theme music is played.

The new body of the rolling store is promised to be ready in a few days. Today Grandpap and Abner talk about their expectations to take the store on the road to other towns. Grandpap fears the new body may be too wide for the roads. Abner defends the store, in that it needs to be that big to stand up in, and put all the fixtures in.

Lum enters, and says that Snake Hogan has changed his mind, and wants to take their deal on the store they offered before. Lum also shares some letters with ideas for the new store name. Then just when Abner is about to make another announcement over the partyline, Squire arrives with his latest business proposal.

Will it be about the silver mine? Will it be about the new rolling store? A little of both, but Lum and Abner don’t want any involvement from Squire.

The closing commercial is snipped, and goes right into theme music.

PS: Watch out for that Squire, if he is interested enought to want a piece of the pie you can bet on two things. It’s a good idea that’s sure to succeed, and it won’t last long because Squire won’t rest until he has messed it up.