Lum and Abner – Abner And Grandpap Break Into Squires House. 350701.

Lum and Abner – Abner And Grandpap Break Into Squires House. 350701. Horlicks: It makes a fine, satisfying meal, especially when combined with a light lunch.

Down in Pine Ridge, Squire has been injured in Lum and Abners movie theater. He has agreed to settle out of court if he is made a third partner, and allowed to be manager of the theater.

Today, Dick Huttleston talks with Lum and Abner about their options, and feels confident they have a case until he learns about the letter that was written to Squire. A letter of apology, and sympathy over Squire’s injuries, but worded in a way that can implicate that Lum and Abner might have been at fault for the bogus injuries.

Will the legal fees be worth fighting the case in court? They still stand a chance to win. In the conversation, Abner gets confused over a few figures of speech that Lum has used. Lum gets Dick to help him run an errand, and when Abner is left to watch the store, he tells grandpap their secret plan.

It’s just that the matter of law needs to stay confidential so it won’t leak back to Squire. When the details are all in the open with grandpap,he suggests that if that letter somehow should disappear, their troubles would be over. What do you think grandpap might have in mind?

A plan is made to have Abner and grandpap slip into Squire’s house and swipe it. Sounds like a bad move to me.

Horlick testimonial: A farmer tells about the hard days work in a farmers life, and how Horlicks gave his crew energy, and held their hunger at bay so they could work.

Note: The idea that Abner has to do a little breaking and entering makes you wonder about these two characters. It’s all a ploy of the writing to set Lum and Abner up for having their business venture in the highly successful movie theater turn into a big mess. Hey, their main business that they always return to is the good old Jottem Down Store. It looks like some transitional time until they guys can get themselves into another scheme of some sort. Just keep tuning in, and enjoy the antics as they get entangled into this mess a little deeper.