Jack Benny – The Sponsor Gets A Million dollar policy on Jack. 550206.

Flashback to Jacks home in Beverly Hills. As Rochester sleeps in, Jack is in the kitchen making breakfast. His chores in the kitchen are interupted by a phone call. It’s a wrong number, and when he returns to the kitchen, his orange juice is missing. Was it Rochester?

We soon lern about jack’s insurance policy his sponsor is taking out on him. It’s a double indemnity policy that pays double for accidental death. Mary visits and the mystery of the missing orange juice is solved. Jack gets ready to leave for his physical for the insurance company, but first an interuption from Don and the Sportsmen. They sing, Ricochet Romance.

Dennis appears at Jack’s to tell about his mom, and meal times at his house, and his habit of rising early. Jack is busy and rushes out, so Dennis sings to mary, On the way to the doctor, the Maxwell has a flat so Jack walks the rest of the way.

Inside the doctor’s office, Jack talks to the receptionist about his physical tdetails and his age. I didn’t know they had lie detectors in doctors offices. Imagine that.

Jack meets Bob Crosby coming out of the exam room, and they talk about Bob’s xrays. Doctor Frank nelson is ready and calls jack into his office. With his assistant Mel Blanc, the examination begins. Through the modern technologies of medical science, some of Jacks internal secrets are revealed for all to see. Including that quarter he swallowed some years ago.

Those doctors seem to be really into betting and gambling. But Jack seems to be healthy enough.