Phil Harris – Lost Engagement Ring. ep85, 490109.

In the harris home, Willie tells Alice and Phil about his love interest, and his plans to become engaged. Phil teases his wimpy brother in law about his romantic prowess, and the looks of his fiancee. Alice wants Willie to bring his gal to the house to meet the family.

Meanwhile, Willie leaves his engagement ring with Phil for safe keeping. Wow, that can’t be all that smart, but he does it anyway.

As Willie leaves, the girls come in for a couple quick jokes. Alice tells them how Phil proposed to her, and the situation transitions to Alice singing, A Little Bird Told Me.

Alice gets the girls ready for Sunday School, and gives Phil the admonition to take care of that ring. Frankie arrives, and Phil is in an awkward position as he tries to explain why he’s wearing Willie’s engagement ring. Phil tries to explain the benefits of marriage to Frankie. When the ring is tight, Phil gets it off but drops it down the kitchen drain.

No problem, just take off the drain’s trap and get the ring out, right? As Phil gets ready to take the trap off from the bottom of the sink, he breaks out into song with, Elmer’s Got His Gun.

When Alice finds out what has happened, she is wary of Phil’s ability and wants to call a plumber. Phil manages to convince her he can handle it. Is it a surprise that soon all the pipes are off, and water is everywhere?

When Julius delivers the groceries, he is nearly drowned by the wave that bursts from the kitchen door. In a hilarious coughing fit, Julius lets Phil know that he swallowed something. Could it be? How can Phil get the ring out of Juilius? Should they just wait for nature to take its course? Naw! let’s just do some emergency surgery? Hey, it’s only Julius, what do they have to lose?

What will Willie have to say about the situation? At least he is willing to have a real doctor get involved. Though he’s a little disturbed over it, Willie recovers well and things work out.