Our Miss Brooks – Old Clothes For Party. 490102. (retro297)

Our Miss Brooks – Old Clothes For Party. 490102. (retro297)

Connie Brooks talks about her let down over her New Years Eve celebrations. As she remembers, and goes into flashback, she talks with Mrs Davis. Mrs Davis is to visit her absent minded sister, Angela. Connie makes plans to go out with Mr Boynton. Minirva, the cat gets in on the absent minded fun.

The French teacher pops in. He wants to include Connie with the party that he and his wife are planning. The admission will only be a few old clothes to donate to help needy people in France continue to recover after the war. Through it all, Mr Monet tries out his EnglishConnie phones Mr Boynton on her party line to invite him to the party as well. Oh, the joys of having a party line. I wonder why Lum and Abner never had trouble like Connie does? Eventually, after some butting in, Connie asks Boynton out, but he doesn’t quite get all the details.

As Connie gets ready, Mrs Davis tells her that the closet was already cleaned out for Goodwill. So now Connie is off to the Conklins where Harriot and Walter are. The two favorite teens help Connie try to collect old clothes from the Conklins. They gave away most of their old things to the Salvation Army, but Harriot finds an old tux of her dad’s. I have a feeling he may be needing that before the show is over.

Back at Connie’s apartment, she and Mr Boynton get ready, and iron out the details of their evening. Boynton changes into the borrowed tux while Connie fixes her hair. Mr Conclin has a hypertensive moment when he comes over and discovers Boynton in hjis tux.

The details manage to work themselves out, and Connie has a nice time at the party, although without Mr Boynton. As an epilog, she tells about her date the following day at the zoo.

Bonus Track.
Fats Waller, 1943. Feet’s Too Big.