My Favorite Husband – Liz Teaches the Samba. 480820. (retro300)

The ongoing story of a married couple who live together, and likes it!

Liz is expected to entertain a business cliet at dinner tonight. George drills her on her expected behavior, but she is giving George a hard time about the situation. Fast forward to the dinner party, and Liz manages to be both tactful and sarcastic, but charming. Sort of.

As a result of the party, Liz gets recruited to teach the Samba to the business client’s son. He’s a painfully shy lad who never takes his eyes off the ground. Hey, it’s Richard Crenna, also known as Walter Denton from the Our Miss Brooks show. Will Liz be able to draw out the dancer in the boy? Not without a lot of feet getting stepped on. George comes home with the report of Liz’s success, and the kid wants more lessons.

Liz is such a hit with Wally that he asks for her advice. He needs help in telling a special girl how much he loves her. It turns out to be Liz. Has Liz created a monster? Will she leave that tired out old George for a younger man?

She spills the beans to George, Mr Attaberry, and the business partner, and they get a kick out of it. Nobody takes the crush seriously. But they all have some fun with the kid’s infatuation. The kid has definitely come out of his shell. Did Liz do a good job? The business client is so impressed with her accomplishment, and wants to line up more clients for her to teach the Samba to.

Bonus Tracks.
Betty Hutton. Doctor, Lawyer, and Indian Chief.
The Hillbilly Boys. Bearcat Mama.