Lum and Abner – Theater Is Attracting Big Crowds. 350624.

Lum and Abner – Theater Is Attracting Big Crowds. 350624. Horlicks: The combining of rich wheat, malt, and barley has been the mark of quality since it was discovered and formulated over 50 years ago.

In Pine Ridge Squire had been put on trial, sentenced, and fined for his indiscretion with his theater being a fire hazard. Today Lum, Abner and Cedric talk about their crowds in the theater, and get ready for the show.

Lum sells tickets, Grandpap plays the piano, Cedric is standing by at the projector. Dick Huttleston arrives for the show, but doesn’t stay around to talk. Abner worries that there won’t be enough seating. Lum deals with phone callers who inquire about the show that’s playing. Snake Hogan arrives, but when he doesn’t have any money, Lum lets him in to avoid a conflict. Things are really booming for Lum and Abner.

When Squire shows up, Abner is afraid that they’ll catch an earful. Instead, Squire is exceptionally friendly, and has a pleasant chat with Lum. He is even offered a free ticket.

Suddenly there’s an outcry from inside the theater. Squire has had an accident and fallen down.

Horlick testimonial: A woman tells about how Horlicks helped her baby twins to grow strong and healthy. Then when she was on a diet that left her weak, Horlicks gave her back energy to carry on.