Lum and Abner – The New Picture Show Starts Costing Alot Of Money. 350604.

Lum and Abner – The New Picture Show Starts Costing Alot Of Money. 350604. Horlicks: For those who are convelescing from a serious illness, there’s nothing better than Horlicks to renew our strength.

Down in Pine Ridge, Lum and Abner have been converting a cotton warehouse into a movie theater. Today Lum and Abner are in the Jottem Down Store, talking about their latest progress.

Abner is wary of the mounting expense of the new movie house, but Lum keeps bringing up new fixtures that just cant be done without. Lum has the idea of posting signs on the curtain covering the movie screen that will advertise local businesses. Now there’s an idea that stands to recover some of the costs, but Abner doesn’t quite get the concept of what Lum is doing.

They also talk about various music to play during the picture show. Lum thinks he has all he needs to get started. All he needs is the delivery of his movie projector, and some films to show. Where can they get movies from anyway?

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Note: Lum mentions getting that late breaking film, Birth of a Nation. Just to add some perspecrtive, that film had been out for nearly 10 years by this time, and was a silent film. The age of talkies had been gooing on for a few years now. Oops, I may have just given away one of the upcoming tragedies in the comedy of errors that will be happening in upcoming episodes.