Lum and Abner – Catalog From Monument Company. 350520.

Lum and Abner – Catalog From Monument Company. 350520. Carlton Bricker reminds listeners about the limited supply photos that can be sent for. He tells how to get one.

Now, let’s see what’s happening in Pine Ridge. Lum and Abner have been deciding what to do with the money that Squire will be bringing back after the sale of their hogs.

Lum wants to have a statue of cast iron, maybe of concrete, made of him, but Abner is not exactly sure. Lum has a catalog that offers statuary where they may be able to just have the faces changed to their own faces.

They talk about such famous statues as the Lincoln Memorial, Venus DeMilo, and others that they might substitute their own image into. Abner gets a little confused over the famous pieces of artwork. Such heavy deciscions a hog king has to make to leave his mark on the annals of time.

The phone rings, and Lum has a call from Chicago. Squire has news about the sale of the hogs. There’s no sale yet, and with the extra feed needed, it may run into money before the deal can be made.

horlick letters: Carlton Bricker offers a few answers to letters that have been written in about the uses of Horlicks.