Cisco Kid – Saga Of Sundown Kelly. 521127.

Mighty Sundown Kelley was a giant of a man, a gold miner, and a man who is prone to fights. Is he the greatest fighter of all times? Might he even be greater than the Cisco Kid?

As Cisco and Pancho ride along talking about the food they plan to enjoy in town, they are caught up in a fight with Sundown. Though Cisco holds his own, Sondowns daughter breaks up the scuffle. She’s worried that Sundown has too many fair weather friends. Sure enough, a couple of men instigate Sundown to get into fights, and into trouble. They figure to get both Sundown and Cisco into trouble with the law by fighting too much.

As Cisco and Pancho leave town at the request of the law, it is just to avoid being tossed into jail, not to avoid their promise to Sundown Kelly’s daughter. He also plans to intercept the two bandits who made plans to ambush Kelley on his way back home. Will Cisco be able to prevent a murder? Will the bandits get to the young gal and force her to sign over the gold mine? Will the murder be pinned on Cisco?

All the questions will make sense in the dramatic conclusion of today’s exciting adventure. Sundown Kelley ends up being tougher than the bandits give him credit for, and clears up the matter on his own.

Notes: Good fight scenes, but a wierd script, not one of the best for Cisco.