Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner Reconcile. 350423

Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner Reconcile. 350423 Horlicks: Kids get hungry with all their activity. Give them a healthy, nourishing treat that won’t spoil their appetite.

Down in Pine Ridge, Dick has managed to calm Lum down over Abner’s taking money from the circus, and now Lum has written a letter to Abner to explain that all is forgiven.

Grandpap talks to Lum about the damage done to the plate glass window, and Abner’s injuries after hopping through it. Then Abner and Lum talk face to face and make up. The circus wasn’t a total loss for them, but now they focus on returning to the store business.

Apparently it was the intent that they go their separate ways, after the circus was sold. Abner shares a few dreams of starting an eating place in town, or maybe a picture show. What about a barber shop, with Lizabeth as the barber? No way, who ever heard of a woman barber? Hey, remember, this is the 1930’s.

With the spirit of forgiveness still flowing frely, Lum tells Abner that he is welcome to rejoin him as partner in the Jottem Down Store.

Horlicks: How can a nourishing, healthy food help to reduce weight? By packing in enough nourshiment int that malty goodness to provide what you need, but without all the calories.