Phil Harris – Get Out The Vote. ep75, 481031

Note: Sometimes titled, Homework.

Phil helps the girls with their homework. Though there’s some little bumps along that road, he soon finds himself involved in local politics. Alice has been recruited to work at the polls, and she wants Phil to canvass the neighborhood.

Willie is doubtful of Phil’s abilities. Does Phil even know who’s running for the election? I hope you do, and get out to vote this week.

He’ll need a good knowledge of the issues, and be able to convince people to get out and vote. With the election committee coming over tonight, Phil needs to brush up on his knowledge, and quick. Phil transitions into a song, King of Babylon.

Though Frank Remley isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, he and Phil consult the books in Phil’s library. Feeling a little overwhelmed, and still wanting to do the right thing, Frank, Phil, and Alice do some role playing. Great acting on Alices part. Hmm… I think Frankie is enjoying the set up, but Phil gets a bit jealous. The scenes get even mmore funny when Julius walks into what appears to be a love triangle.

As Phil goes to study up with some pamphlets, Alice sings, You Come From Rhode Island.

Phil and Frankie share a few basic facts from the pamphlets, and even though they fall a little short of impressing the committee, the show does succeed in putting humor to good use in delivering a good message.

Gale Gordon is the committee spokesman.

You’ve heard the message, now what are you waiting for? It’s your duty as a citezen. Even if you have a protest, it’s better to get out and vote, then to just stay home. This year may not be the big presidential elections, but there are still politicians who will be taking office, and it’s still important. Get out and vote this week!

If you’re listening in a country other than the United States, and you have elections, no matter when they are, go vote in them. It matters.