Lum and Abner 350222 Abner Asks Listeners To Vote For Lum

Abner Asks Listeners To Vote For Lum. Carlton Bricker advises listeners the flashlight offer ends soon.

Now, let’s see what’s happening down in Pine Ridge. Abner takes criticism over his efforts to get his money back, after Squire had donated it to the library. Money, of course, that wasn’t his to give, since it needed to be returned to the insurance company. The withdrawal of funds could cost him the election, but otherwise Abner faces some serious legal problems.

Lum and Dick talk about the clauses in the contract between Abner and Squire that lets Squire claim 10% of all Abner’s earnings. But only if he is elected president. Their conversation drifts to the flashlight offer, and a mention of William Horlick’s 89th Birthday being tomorrow. Wow, I wonder if he got that old drinking his own product.

Abner is feeling down about his contract with Squire, but both Lum and Dick go to see if they can get him out of it. While they’re gone, Abner gets on the party line to suggest voters elect Lum.

Carlton Bricker announces the end of the contest, and a reminder to send in flashlight requests now.

Note: If you write to me, you won’t get a flashlight, but you will get a response directly from me, and your comment will appear on the web page, or be read on one of my Retro Original podcasts. Register for a log in account and comment today.

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