Lum and Abner – Squire Receives a Visit. 350108

Horlicks, a rich, cool, refreshing flavor that you won’t get tired of. It builds strong bones, and is even good for kids.

After learning they sold out to Squire Skimp, the gents are feeling cheated, especially after settling up all the bills and coming up short. Today, Lum has returned from the county seat to visit Abner in his home. All their royalty income will be velvet, a word that gets Abner a little confused. There seems to be a man in town to see the president of the oil company. With a little regret, Lum and Abner find themselves out of the loop of the big wheelers and dealers.

Despite their investments, the gents haven’t seen any of the payoff yet, and our heroes have empty pockets to match their empty stomachs. When Squire offers to trade the oil well back, Lum and Abner are inclined to make the deal, if it weren’t for a timely visit from Dick Huttleston.

Horlick get praise from mom’s everywhere for having the flavor kids love, and for the handy packaging for convenience.

PS: If this Horlicks stuff was so great, why isn’t it still around… or is it?