Jack Benny – Washington Benny Go Round. 360315

The show has taken to the road, and is now being broadcast from Washington DC. Don and Jack joke about the landmarks and monuments in town. The cast get historic quotations mixed up. The cast chip in about the thing this country needs more of. Johnny plays, but his number gets snipped.

Kenny and Jack swap puns related to St. Patricks Day. Despite trying to avoid it, Mary still delivers her Irish poem. Kenny sings, but this song is also snipped.

Jack flubs a line as he talks about hiws invitation to an embassy event. Johnny starts to play, but is again snipped. At the embassy, senators mingle, as Jack makes his appearance. The cast crash the party as the banquet begins. Amazing how smoothly the cast blends into the highest of society… or not. Jack takes advantage of his moment in the spotlight to play his violin, Don plugs Jello, and Mary tries to repeat her poem. Fortunately the crowd has better taste and takes matters into their own hands.