Jack Benny 350106 The Count of Monte Jello (retro253)

Opening is a little choppy before Don and Jack tease each other about recent New Year’s Eve celebrations. Mary and Frank Parker tell about their celebrations with an interuption by a man wanting to sell a bulldog. The bulldog gag, of course runs through the show. Don Bestor plays, but it gets chopped. Jack introduces the play. Frank sings, but it also is snipped. The play begins. A spoof of the famous story. Jack is arrested, and tossed into a French prison. The audio gets a little choppy and skippy again. Don’s song is snipped, then Jack finds himself still in prison years later. Even the old joke about “hair,” from previous episodes shows up. Jack makes his escape with the help of… Schlepperman?

Bonus Tracks:
Cab Calloway. 1935. I Ain’t Got Nobody.
Graham MacNamee. 1940. Interview with Voice Actor, Charlie Cantor.